I've created this website to help all those TOEFL test takers. My specialty are Toefl ITP/PBT and TOEIC. I've coached many students in many other different certifications: Toefl iBT, IELTS, FCE, BEC, GRE, as well as English grammar and conversation groups.
Some of the materials I've prepared so far are available for free. How ever, after years of teaching, I've come across several exercises, and techniques. I've also created material of my own to keep teaching. Online resources for some specific exercises are limited at best. Books, ebooks, and special courses are not cheap. My courses, tips and materials are not free, but certainly are unexpensive and convenient. Give them a try!
What can you find here?
I'm pretty sure you came through my You Tube Channel. As you know, I uploaded 7 videos with short conversations exercises. Here, you can find full audios for the three sections of the test. Any of those audios are hard to find online. Trust me, as a teacher, I've done my share of work trying to get the exercises. My set of audios contains:
LISTENING parts A, B and C.
Full audios
There are over 200 different exercises , plus some more I'm putting together.
Along with the set of audios, I also give you access to a few videos explaining some of the best techniques with examples. Just as if you were in one of my classes.
Every now and then I release some more free material.
Those material can be more audios, some tips, or news about ETS and the TOEFL program.
The Structure section is a bit of a nightmare for those with bad grammar. But I also got this covered.
My free exercises contain some exercises both for incomplete sentences as well as error recognition.
The paid services cover strategies (those are a lot!!), more exercises according to the strategy, answer sheets and video tutorials.
You can find many reading exercises, but mine contain techniques, and special notes. Did you know you don't have to know all the words in a reading passage? My strategies will teach you how to make the best on your reading section. The exercises contain video tutorials, reading material, questions and answers.

Paid services.