IMPROve your toefl speaking score
The TOEFL iBT Speaking section is a very stressful section, even though it is fairly quick.
Our Correction Service will not only correct your grammar mistakes, but will provide insight on improving your arguments and your structure. Although a book (or many) can give you some advice and practice, it is always beneficial to obtain feedback and guidance from professionals who can focus on your individual needs. We not only focus on your structural problems, but we also focus on your pronunciation.
Every spoken answer is reviewed by an English Professional. Therefore, the service can take up to 3 days, depending on the service you hire: Single Section, or Full Test. You can also obtain live feedback (depending on time zones and availability) via WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter or Facebook Messenger.
Our services is easy to use, quick and direct. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to use the Chat window at the bottom of your screen.
TOEFL iBT Speaking Correction Service
Receive prompts for the 4 questions in the Speaking Section.
All 4 answers from TOEFL iBT in audio format are evaluated. Receive feedback on pronunciation, grammar, structure and content.
Includes an approximate TOEFL Score.
Tips and strategies to improve.

Price $8 USD per Speaking Test

Integrated and Independent essays from TOEFL iBT in text format are evaluated. Receive feedback on grammar, structure and content.
Includes an approximate TOEFL Score.
Tips and strategies to improve.
Click HERE for more TOEFL iBT Writing Services

Price $16 USD per Writing Test.

Receive All 4 questions from the Speaking Section.
Receive prompts for the Integrated and Independet tasks.
Get feedback and estimated scores for a special price.

Special Price $18 USD Speaking&Writing Test.

Full Reading test (3 passages plus questions)
Full Listening Test (Conversations and Lectures)
All 4 questions from the Speaking Section.
Prompts for the Integrated and Independent tasks.
Get feedback on Speaking and Writing Sections and estimated scores for all sections for a special price.

Special Price $20 USD Full TOEFL iBT Test.

QUESTIONS? Send us a message using the Chat window at the bottom of this page